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Thanks for your reply Baggerman. I thought it was the relay but it's not because I bench tested it and it was OK. Since all three of the relays are the same I swiched them out and still had the problem. I also went through the connector and fuse checks you suggested. I didn't find anything but just pulling the fuses and checking wires and contacts may have helped. I took the kill switch and starter button apart and checked the 12V at the button. I cleaned the contacts with contact cleaner and put it back together. When I tried it this time I noticed the starter sounded like it was trying to turn over. I charged the battery, tried it again and it cranked. I think the problem is what I call VooDoo electrics. That's when the bike sets up for a while without being used, the contacts oxidize a little, the battery voltage drops a bit and things work sometime and sometime they don't. It creates a nightmare when you're trying to track down an electrical problem. You test something and it doesn't work so you think your on the right track then 10 miniutes later you test it again and it works. I'm sure you have run into that.

Anyway, I have always noticed that the starter always seems to be weak, no matter what the battery voltage. Do you know anything about that. Thanks again.
