2023 Penigale V2 battery issues…kinda

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Nov 15, 2024
Boise, ID
So my bike wouldn’t start and the volts were reading 11.7, go buy a tender and couldn’t get it above 12.2 so I figured I needed a new battery. New battery installed, hooked to tender prior to install to ensure 100% charge, installed battery still will not start, it drained the battery trying to start it so I hook the tender up, this is while installed, has been on the tender all night and all day up until right now. I get home and figured I give it one more try the volts are reading 12.0 hit the start button twice and it dropped to 11.7. What could be draining the battery with the key off like that or any ideas? Thanks
If the battery is reading 12 volts, it’s not fully charged. A tender could take days to charge a battery. Mine doesn’t switch from charge to maintenance mode until the battery reads a bit over 13 volts.

Is the bike stock?

You can test for parasitic draw, but I doubt if the bike is stock, that’s your problem.
If the battery is reading 12 volts, it’s not fully charged. A tender could take days to charge a battery. Mine doesn’t switch from charge to maintenance mode until the battery reads a bit over 13 volts.

Is the bike stock?

You can test for parasitic draw, but I doubt if the bike is stock, that’s your problem.
I have an Akrapovic full exhaust and had the ECU flashed other then the new battery yes everything hasn’t been touched but get this I unplugged the tender and went straight to battery and it’s fully charged now and reading 12.8v so I’m thinking it’s the tender cable or plug but would that stop the bike from starting you think?
Also I just bought a volt meter from Home Depot and after I finish doing my laundry. I’m going to test it and see. All I know is that it wasn’t charging plug into the stock supplied battery tender plug but it did going straight to the terminals
There's a fuse on the lead from the tender plug to the battery. I'd check that and the connections at the battery, making sure they're snug, have good metal to metal contact and there's nothing funky like they're reversed.
I did see the fuse on the wire so I checked it and it was good. I unplugged from the tender port and went directly to the battery with the tender, I also got a small space heater and placed it under the cover on the bike, went and did my laundry and when I got back I tried starting it fired up. I had to hold the starter for a bit longer but after three days of troubleshooting I honestly believe the bike was literally too cold to turn over. My ECU has been flashed and they may have changed the cold start air/fuel mixture and it’s just been too cold to pop off that mixture but I honestly don’t know. It’s running and I couldn’t be happier. I was thinking starter, flooded, fouled a plug, I was so close to loading her up and taking it to a Ducati mechanic. The heater was a last ditch effort
I got it started! Bought a space heater and placed under the cover for about an hour and a half, connected the tender directly to the battery and she fired up after holding the start button for about 3 seconds. Took it for a ride and life is good once again. I ❤️ Ducati!
I got it started! Bought a space heater and placed under the cover for about an hour and a half, connected the tender directly to the battery and she fired up after holding the start button for about 3 seconds. Took it for a ride and life is good once again. I ❤️ Ducati!
i see your in Boise! haha yep this reminds me of some cold winters back in Oklahoma...i did the same thing with space heater...glad you got it sorted partner...
i see your in Boise! haha yep this reminds me of some cold winters back in Oklahoma...i did the same thing with space heater...glad you got it sorted partner...
Just here working. I’m from NH so I know all about cold lol just not the combination of cold and motorcycles. Last time I owned a bike I lived in Alabama on the Gulf Coast. I really think heat was key. The tender was reading 100% this morning and it’s 29°.
2 Wheel Dynoworks out of Seattle flashed it. The exhaust did come with the upmap but that wasn’t good enough lol. The flash made everything more consistent and more responsive
That’s what I did as well after having the UpMap for a few years. The reason I asked is it seems to be the reason my battery was going down also. I got the 2 wheel dyno works flash and it all went away
That’s what I did as well after having the UpMap for a few years. The reason I asked is it seems to be the reason my battery was going down also. I got the 2 wheel dyno works flash and it all went away
Interesting, I have had no issues until the temps dropped into the 20’s and I think the oil was too think to let the starter spin freely. It started after applying heat and I had to hold the starter for a few seconds for it to fire off. It took three days to figure it out and I honestly am not 100% certain that’s what it was. I almost tried the heater under my cover first but everything I was reading was saying my battery was kicked so I replaced it. I’m sure the stock battery was fine. It’s a 2023 and that seems quick for a battery to .... the bed. Even an acid battery should last atleast 3 years but whatever now I know it’s not the battery. I really feel like the heat did the trick for my situation.

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