Hmmm. I have not seen he vent slots that are located above the lower mounting bolts in the aluminum stock sub frame in any of the carbon frames. On the S that is where the electronic connectors for the shock route. Im running the small Akra heat shield so 4 holes had to be drilled for that. I machined my own magnesium spacers to get a perfect fit (subframe to pipe). I punched a hole in the center and forward to the rear shield holes (right in the center of the little flat area on the back or the Akra shield) to run the E suspension wiring and the O2 sensor wire. I also built 2 5" extension cables using factory Ducati connectors for the rear shock to make everything fit. I made a carbon fiber bracket for the RapidBike box and mounted it to the removable tail panel. I can pull the RB in 3 min if I need to. Everything came out very well and it all looks factory. The seat bracket was the biggest PITA. I had machine spacers to make it fit how i wanted it to but in the end, it came out great.