I have just a few days ago had this, red engine lamp in dash Centre, then it goes small and drops to left of panel.
the power went down and ruff engine running for 15 seconds now it’s normal power in race mode.
the engine lamp still comes on during start up, then goes small and drops to left of the panel power is normal, now after filling the bike the warning goes off but comes on now and again. ( it’s been noted that a faulty gas gauge can throw this warning)
im convinced it’s lose connection in a plug, my 1299 is a bit of a garage queen and stands after washing sometimes for weeks, so this could be my issue?
my thinkin is that if it was a map sender or something else that is faulty then it can’t be intermittent?
bike is a base 1299 2017 model with 6800km
if I find anything further I will report back