Lots of good advice. My controls were too high on the bike. Whoever built the bike just had them rotated up too far, and I have since twisted the bar around a bit, and adjusted the brake lever lower, this helps get it in line with my fingers, same with my clutch side. I don't have to raise my fingers to get the brake/clutch lever.
The weights that are screwed in to the bar end are decent. I am now running bar end mirrors and the mounts I have for them aren't heavy enough. Both of my hands are a touch numb this morning after a spirited 250 mile ride yesterday. I have new bar end mounts with more weight coming, and plan to switch to carbon bars soon. That also helps as the carbon absorbs some of the vibration too.
I also found that I adjusted my grip on the bar quite a bit. I grip with my index finger and thumb, and keep loose elbows. People have even seen me flapping my arms like a bird a bit as I tell myself to be loose on the bars and grip.
Also something that helped me, tank grips. You get better grip with your legs and can lighten on the bars some. I have also changed to some gel grips on the bars. The stock grips are hard for longevity, not for comfort.
I too have a Tuneboy on the way, looking forward to cruise control.
To summarize:
1. Adjust your controls so you aren't reaching and bending odd
2. Heavier weight in the bar ends, possibly carbon tubes
3. Gel grips
4. Tank pads to grip with your legs
5. Keep your arms loose and a light grip
I really had to work on this last year after riding and having completely numb hands after 3-4 rides on my R1, and finally got to were I could go 500 miles in a day on it without having my hands cramp.