Hylomar for Cam Cover gasket sealing?

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Jul 15, 2020
U.S. of A.
I've been a long time Hylomar user ... and have a vertical cam cover that was leaking. I was thinking of trying hylomar to aide the gasket. Anyone try it?
I would buy a new gasket and go without "Tube-Sealant", that works for me.
The gasket is pretty cheap AUD$30 so now real reason not to replace it. I only used sealant around the cam journal cutouts. I also out some Loctite on all the bolts. It's been about 8 months of continuous use including some track time with no leaks.
Thanks for the replies. Another Q: has the gasket been redesigned to better retain the required thickness under installation compression?
I’m not sure it’s the thickness, but the backing off of the bolts probably due to the thermal cycling. As mentioned, some loctite worked for me and others have used custom bolts for lock wire. Either way, making sure you have an in cal torque wrench and applying the correct torque will ensure the gasket works as intended.
Thanks for the replies. Another Q: has the gasket been redesigned to better retain the required thickness under installation compression?

I just replaced both gaskets on my 2015 899 superquadro engine.The replacement ducati gaskets were different than the ones that came off.The replacement,new ones had ridges on the surface of the 2 half circles while the old stock,original ones half circles were just plain with no ridges.
The gasket is pretty cheap AUD$30 so now real reason not to replace it. I only used sealant around the cam journal cutouts. I also out some Loctite on all the bolts. It's been about 8 months of continuous use including some track time with no leaks.
Ny new gasket have working fine for 2 years now, also use blue Loctite on the bolts.
The cover have been take of 1 or 2 times for valve checking and still the gasket don´t leak
My 1199 is only used for track and have run about 30 (track) days with new gaskets