I don't always go hunting...

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human beings are a plague on the planet. Think about how long the earth has been circling the sun. Think about how long animals of some sort have inhabited the planet. Think about how long mankind has inhabited the planet.

having said that....mankind has been around for a miniscule amount of time and in that short time we have managed to trash our planet out of our own ignorance and greed.

We have no natural predators

With the advances in medicine people are living longer than they should

People don't know how to use birth control. Seriously sickens me that that mankind chooses to ignore the most important problem in modern society....overpopulation. The root of almost all other problems. Some people don't care....some people say it's their right to have as many kids as they want, some people are too damn stupid to use birth control....whatever the cause overpopulation is the result.

more people necessitate more food and more space. We destroy habitat that has been there millions of years to put up another road or building. We pollute, we fight cause we are overcrowded and can't agree upon a damn thing, we are a selfish and ignorant race. All people care about is people and mostly themselves. Most people could give 2 ..... about nature, animals, or anything other than how much money they have, how cushy a life they can live, and how much fun they can go have.

Everyone is guilty of it including myself.

I just get ...... pissed when people can't at least aknowledge that animals and nature are JUST as important as people. A life is a life and while we may be at the top of the chain (and yes I eat meat)....we should respect all life.

That is what is wrong with the world today......full of ignorant and selfish human beings

soap box rant over....flame on fellas

We have natural predators - ourselves

How long should we live? Do you have kids, wife, mother etc? I think it it would suck if they were sick and the doctor said Im not going to give them any medicine due to population control. Im pretty sure you wouldn't agree with the doctor.

Did you know that the whole population of people living on earth can fit in Texas and still have more room than the people in New York?

Why don't we just kill off all the humans so the animals can have a good place to live on earth or lets just move back into caves like the stone age

The earth has been dying since birth. Its a fact that we are on a collision course with a another galaxy and also the sun is going to turn into a white dwarf whichever one comes first or maybe a asteroid will just end it all sooner . So why not advance in technology maybe sometime in the future we could prevent the earth from destruction.
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We have natural predators - ourselves

How long should we live? Do you have kids, wife, mother etc? I think it it would suck if they were sick and the doctor said Im not going to give them any medicine due to population control. Im pretty sure you wouldn't agree with the doctor.

Did you know that the whole population of people living on earth can fit in Texas and still have more room than the people in New York?

Why don't we just kill off all the humans so the animals can have a good place to live on earth or lets just move back into caves like the stone age

The earth has been dying since birth. Its a fact that we are on a collision course with a another galaxy and also the sun is going to turn into a white dwarf whichever ones comes first or maybe a asteroid will just end it all sooner . So why not advance in technology maybe sometime in the future we could prevent the earth from destruction.

I'm thinking pestilence or war will knock out a bunch here before too long. Some weird bug that wipes out a decent percentage of the population or some idiot will set off a nuke that will start a chain reaction of nukings leaving us all smoldering on the pavement somewhere. In the meantime I think I'll go ride my Pani and try not to dwell on it. :)
I'm thinking pestilence or war will knock out a bunch here before too long. Some weird bug that wipes out a decent percentage of the population or some idiot will set off a nuke that will start a chain reaction of nukings leaving us all smoldering on the pavement somewhere. In the meantime I think I'll go ride my Pani and try not to dwell on it. :)

Personally... I am awaiting for the zombie invasion.
How long should we live? Do you have kids, wife, mother etc? I think it it would suck if they were sick and the doctor said Im not going to give them any medicine due to population control. Im pretty sure you wouldn't agree with the doctor.
And that my friends, is Obamacare!
Personally... I am awaiting for the zombie invasion.

I have some work to do to prep for that one. Maybe add some more edged weapons and some incendiary devices? I haven't gone as far as the moat and claymores but I will if I don't like my new neighbors.

My job allows me to have quite bit of arsenals of weapons. :cool:

My 2nd Amendment Allows me to have these:D

Hey, I don't see any high powered flashlights mounted on those, you are clearly completely unprepared for the zombies... you better get your head out of the sand and gear up! ;)

I actually work for a Defense Company in which our sister division makes Night Vision goggles for the US Military. We get special discounts :D. ACOG, Nightforce and EO Tech, SpecterDR all night vision ready :p
And that my friends, is Obamacare!

I'm fairly sure that obamacare has no provisions for population control but I will give you credit as saying one of the most ignorant things I have heard on this forum except for maybe the paypal sux guy
Only this forum could devolve into this...

Just to fan the fire, I love hunting - killing tasty animals and eating them is an awesome experience. But then I love dogs as much as I my own kids, and am considering getting a bearded dragon to care for the next 10 or so years, so am I conflicted? Or maybe just a HUMAN AND TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN?


JeffD, I would have shot that pig too! I've heard they're smart, but look at the weapon that pig was packin! I'm glad you got 'em before he got the drop on you. ;)

Besides, if animals weren't meant to be eaten by humans, they wouldn't be made out of meat!

RIP to the millions of innocent insects slaughtered by my windscreens over the years...well...except for the yellowjackets...those things are evil and f'n hurt when they get trapped under your gear!
Come on guys, haven't you played Mass Effect 3?

Mankind will advance to a point of creating sufficient androids which can replace a human workforce. They will continue to advance to the point they become their own race, eventually fighting the humans and taking to the stars. They never die so they eventually rule the galaxy.

I thought this stuff was well known??? :D
ScrapperX - the only guy on the forum that spends more at Magpul than he does at Revzilla. :D

About 50/50;) The guns have been slow. I do my own reloads and its hard to get bullet components now everything is back ordered for the past 7 months. Is it because Homeland Security is buying over a billion rounds???? to fight who?
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I actually work for a Defense Company in which our sister division makes Night Vision goggles for the US Military. We get special discounts :D. ACOG, Nightforce and EO Tech, SpecterDR all night vision ready :p

Sounds good now, just trying to watch out for you :p lol

This thread has gotten ridiculous... why are there even still PETA comments being made after Frosty established that he is an animal lover??? Are people ignoring that part? Making an issue where none should exist
Sounds good now, just trying to watch out for you :p lol

This thread has gotten ridiculous... why are there even still PETA comments being made after Frosty established that he is an animal lover??? Are people ignoring that part? Making an issue where none should exist

I think we've established that reading comprehension is a rare skill around these parts. :D
I think we've established that reading comprehension is a rare skill around these parts. :D

Some people have their agendas Frosty...no matter you say... anyway glad as always that you survived that vicious animal attack...:D
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