Selling a set of lightly used Carlos Checa replica wheels by OZ. I purchased these, as new, a few months ago from a fellow forum member. They've since been used for about 1000 miles or so with only one set of tires mounted. I'm selling because I've decided to go a different direction for wheels.
I believe these are only very slightly heavier than the forged S or R wheels, but they make up for it in looks - at least for me they do. These would be a big improvement over the cast wheels for sure. And they're limited edition so that definitely adds to the bling factor.
Asking 1700 for the wheels shipped to lower 48 - including super cool OZ valve caps and 1199 rotor and axle spacer kit. Rotor bolts are not included - you'll need to figure that out. Tires will be removed this week.
The rear wheel is 10/10 condition wise. The front wheel unfortunately is a 9/10 due to a mock-up mounting mishap on my behalf which resulted in some knicks on the hub. It is purely cosmetic and not seen when mounted on bike. Please see pics.
Open to reasonable offers. Thanks!
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I believe these are only very slightly heavier than the forged S or R wheels, but they make up for it in looks - at least for me they do. These would be a big improvement over the cast wheels for sure. And they're limited edition so that definitely adds to the bling factor.
Asking 1700 for the wheels shipped to lower 48 - including super cool OZ valve caps and 1199 rotor and axle spacer kit. Rotor bolts are not included - you'll need to figure that out. Tires will be removed this week.
The rear wheel is 10/10 condition wise. The front wheel unfortunately is a 9/10 due to a mock-up mounting mishap on my behalf which resulted in some knicks on the hub. It is purely cosmetic and not seen when mounted on bike. Please see pics.
Open to reasonable offers. Thanks!
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