Absolutly! Arun, Jason and crew are all top notch. My 1299 was part of the first batch of 1299's to arrive at Motocorsa back in April. I bought it the first day they came in. Secured a lucky VIN # too!Did you get it from the crew at Motocorsa?
Absolutly! Arun, Jason and crew are all top notch. My 1299 was part of the first batch of 1299's to arrive at Motocorsa back in April. I bought it the first day they came in. Secured a lucky VIN # too!
00027? Or 00013? :d
00777 :d
Your a Boeing fan?
Are you a member with the "Ducati Pacifica" club?
No, never heard of them.
We meet on the first Saturday of each month (@Motocorsa). After breakfast and or coffee people take out for a ride! It is a nice social club. They communicate true Facebook (that I am not a fan). Membership used to be only for Ducati owners but now "everyone" is welcome.