Pin when key on after plugging in phone?

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Jun 11, 2017
Long Island,NY
So while I was finishing up my radiator and oil cooler guard install on my sfv4s I decided to hook up the sae connection to my battery. I feel kinda lame, I haven't had a phone mounted on any of my bikes before i usually consider it an unnecessary distraction, however I have a full day trip planned in two weeks and figured I’d try it out.

It is a quad lock mount and wireless charger for my iphone11. There is a usb cable that runs from the sae via a conversion block to the mount. Then the phone charges wirelessly. So if the wire is plugged into the charger, and my phone is mounted and i I key on, it asks me for a PIN. Which I don’t have. If I keep the phone mounted, unplug the usb from the mount and key on it starts up normal.

Has anyone had this issue?
(I searched google, youtube, this site and
So after some more searching I think the pin request comes up if there is an immobilizer communication error. The wireless charging must be interfering with it. And it seems the dealer sets the pin. I’m going in for the first service soon so I’ll ask them about it. I didn’t want to try and guess the pin cuz I have no idea what will happen if I get it wrong a few times.
the owners manual for the v2 shows the steps for adding a PIN. the purpose of the pin is to override the transponder/rfid in the key if there is interference between the key and the antenna in the switch.

i have a keyless car that gets an error if its next to a phone.
Try moving the wireless charger away from the ignition, attach phone to charger and see if the problem persists. There is a little sensor on the side of the key barrel and it might be picking up electromagnetic interference from the charger.
My dealer sets the initial PIN the same as the last 4 digits of the VIN number.
My dealer sets the initial PIN the same as the last 4 digits of the VIN number.

That's both helpful (easy to guess) and alarming (easy to guess). :)

Has anyone had this issue?

Agree with the posts regarding interference leading to "malfunction", requiring the use of the PIN.
If you didn't set the PIN, someone else did at some point.
Either ask that person ... or drop by the dealership, prove you own the bike, and have the PIN cleared/reset.

Also... thanks for the info regarding the wireless charging phone mount and possible issues.
Helpful, in a round-about way.

Be well.
Just fyi...this past week I have been installing the SP-Connect wireless charger on my V4S. Last night, reading about this module, I realised it comes with a warning that keyless ignitions may experience interference. (Ours isn't keyless but the key contains a transponder that communicates in a similar way, so open to similar interference risk.) The suggested solution is to not mount your phone until after you have started the bike.

In my case I have gone the extra mile - in fact, an extra 500 miles, overkill I know - and installed an Amplink PDM. I have the set up so that the wireless charger does not power up until 30 seconds after I turn the ignition key. So no interference is possible.

My only concern is whether the Amplink will survive the heat. Guess I'll find out soon enough.

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