I run Phil's cans on my 1199. I also wear ear plugs. lol.
I fall in the camp of "I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it".
When I ride I'm continually looking for opportunities to reduce my risk. Motorcycle riding, regardless of the bike, carries with it inherent risk. As good riders it is our job to find any advantage we can to reduce that risk so we can go home at night and give our kids hugs and kisses.
One of my tools is my exhaust. Does it work all the time?? Tough to say. Has it made people aware of me (even 2% of the time)? Absolutely. And that 2% gain is justification enough for me. My bike is MotoGP level loud. But I'm not an idiot with it in populated areas. I keep the rev's low and am sensible when around others. However, if it's needed, a pop of the throttle and everyone within a 5 mile radius knows where I am at. YMMV.
Ride safe my friends...