watching Campisis latest youtube video at the 10:40 time spot,Ducati mechanic explains about the rear eccentric bearings. 2 needle bearings and 1 plain bearing. From another post on this forum the writer gives 2 SKF part numbers for aftermarket bearings.
My question is are there 3 bearings like Rory says or 2 bearings as per other post? Was Rory thinking the spacer was the 3rd bearing? The one he called the plain bearing?
Just wondering.May have to do this in the future and it would be great to known exactly how its all assembled since the parts diagram is of no help.(i guess they want you to buy the entire eccentric)
My question is are there 3 bearings like Rory says or 2 bearings as per other post? Was Rory thinking the spacer was the 3rd bearing? The one he called the plain bearing?
Just wondering.May have to do this in the future and it would be great to known exactly how its all assembled since the parts diagram is of no help.(i guess they want you to buy the entire eccentric)