Hi all, I know this subject may of come up many times before but I thought I would ask it from just a road user prospective with no intensions of ever going to a track.
As you all know the V4 comes with Diablo Supercorsa SP V3 which for me I have had mixed results, brilliant in the dry but for me absolutely no good in the wet, i never feel confident when riding in the wet and have nearly lost the back a few times in even in slow turns (probably my riding style) but this then brings me back to my question, I use my V4 daily in all UK weathers and as i need to change my tyre as i have just found a nail in it i am thinking of going over to Diablo Rosso Corsa II in the hope it is a more rounded tyre and it will give me more confidence in the wet and still perform in the dry.
What do people think of this and if you don't agree can you suggest another good tyre to replace the OEM ones to be used by an average rider in all weathers
As you all know the V4 comes with Diablo Supercorsa SP V3 which for me I have had mixed results, brilliant in the dry but for me absolutely no good in the wet, i never feel confident when riding in the wet and have nearly lost the back a few times in even in slow turns (probably my riding style) but this then brings me back to my question, I use my V4 daily in all UK weathers and as i need to change my tyre as i have just found a nail in it i am thinking of going over to Diablo Rosso Corsa II in the hope it is a more rounded tyre and it will give me more confidence in the wet and still perform in the dry.
What do people think of this and if you don't agree can you suggest another good tyre to replace the OEM ones to be used by an average rider in all weathers