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I had this issue too. The 1st time I loaded the stock map from upmap, it still said race pro. The 2nd time I did it race pro was gone, but I still didn't throw an exhaust DTC despite having no exhaust valve. The only way my bike went truly back to stock was having the dealer flash it.

However, you are not trying to return to stock, you are trying to reset the fuel trims. We have no way of knowing if using their software to go to stock and then flashing their map again will do this, but i thought it must because it has to zero them the first time you flash their map.

This is what wrecked my confidence in what upmap was doing (besides the fact my bike didn't run well). It said it was flashing to stock, said it was successful, but clearly had elements of their tune in the ECU and I would get a different result doing the same thing twice. This is not supposed to happen with proper flashing.

Anyway, here is the procedure.

To flash to stock: Select motorcycles. Select restore map.

To flash your upmap tune:

Select Maps. Select the map you want to flash.

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