Only a Sith deals in absolutes
Some folks just want to ride a nice bike and could care less about going 300km/h or pulling 6g around a corner.
I've been looking around for about a year and a half for a bike that has enough ... appeal for me to drop some coin on. Was going to settle for a 1198, but then stumbled across the 1199 late last year. Checkmate!
Personally, I'd rather ride the 1199 everyday as a commuter, than only once a month or once a quater or once a year on a track.. I mean.. Why the F*&^ would you buy a superbike and leave it in your living room? It'd be like...Being Hugh Hefner and being gay.
Different strokes for different folks buddy..
To me, it doesn't matter what people ride or how they ride it... so long as they're riding