Gosh, sorry I missed this conversation earlier, was out for a 50K in the hills with some of my fellow .... in our pink spandex outfits. But yes, regardless of some people's evidenced incapacity to wrap their heads around it, bikes do very much belong on the road in every state of the union, as in having benefit of laws that allow them to use public roads just like every other vehicle, protect their rights to do so, and proscribe their behavior on them while doing it. Can't tell you how much I've enjoyed seeing the face on various cretins my bunch has had run ins with over the years when one or the other of my club mates who happen to be LEO's and DA's, stops Jethro's diatribe in a heartbeat by flipping their badges out of their spandex pockets and calmly asking if they want to STFU and go on their way or to jail. That is some hilarious .....
Obviously some folks out there don't like cyclists much, and from the sound of it our man Jay is a candidate for their poster boy. Good on ya man; something to be proud of. Rest assured those of us with the laws on our side (and our friends who make them) don't much care what you think. We write your sort off.
But to steer this back around to the OP's post, the single issue there was the dimwit in the pickup choosing to pass slower traffic (regardless of what it was) around a blind corner. Look for anything else to find the problem in that situation and you're missing the obvious.
Funny story to wrap up my contributions to this thread. Same thing happened to a group of cyclists I was in years ago. Beat up old car passes my group of 8 cyclists in a blind right hander on a country road, crossing double yellows en route, and lo, encounters an oncoming car. Yanks it hard right to avoid the head on, almost taking out half our bunch. Our guys cuss and flip him off, and he e-brakes it to a stop up ahead of us. Dude jumps out of his car yelling. He's about 6'4" and 250+, and reaches in the floorboard under the drivers seat and pulls out a tire iron (where I'm sure we all keep ours, right?). He's big but flabby, probably half lit, and there are 8 of us, all very fit and a couple ex-military. In those days we carried frame pumps, and I'm reaching for my HPX which would definitely do some damage; It was about to get nasty.
Right then, we hear someone off to our right yell "HEY!". All of us, Jethro of the moment included, swivel heads to see what's up. There's a house just off the road, and there's a guy standing on the front porch. He has an AR-15 against his shoulder, barrel leveled on Jethro's head. Says loudly but calmy to our new redneck friend, "Leave those guys alone. Get your ass back in the car and get the .... out of here. Now." Turned out Jethro could move faster than I gave him credit for, and his sketchy decision making was seemingly improved by looking down the barrel of an AR. We thanked the AR guy, he wished us a good one and went back inside. Been a gun rights supporter ever since...