There's been multiple revisions. The first major one was about 2020. This stopped the failures from leaking into the oil. Such that all the leaking fluid drained into the V of the engine. The next major revision was to add tubing so it leaked off the bottom of the bike instead of running into the V. Ducati's 2025 press release talked about another cooling system revision which talks about dual flow. What I think this refers to is splitting the pump flow into two separate outlets such that each head has it's own flow path from pump to head. This could probably be adapted to the earlier V4's because the pump actually pumps out thru 2 outlets that are joined into one slightly downstream. The radiator and oil cooler surface area has been increased somewhat on the 25's. I have to believe that another major water pump revision came with the 2025's but I've not seen the new part numbers. The V4's have also gone thru a number of oil pump revisions and in 2025 all V4's use the R oil pump.