So here is an update on this situation. Ok yes I sent the douche bag a quadruple glider bomb package. Best $35 ever spent. I wish I could have seen his reaction. So I got in touch with the post office last week. Even though his claim was approved they were supposed to send payment out this week. After sending them emails from paypal. Today I found out that the claim was now denied to do him filing a claim with paypal. USPS said they would look into this matter. But I dont think they will really put too much energy into this. So I am happy to report that he didnt get the money like I thought he would. In the last week 2 weeks I sent him text messages and emails saying I would take him to small claims court, even if I would have to go to Rochester. I sent him pics of the claims he made with the post office and said I would report him to USPS with proof showing he filed a claim with paypal and won as well as report him to the cops up there. I sent him a text and emails that Vicati and I would send him 1099's last week. I sent him texts and emails saying I would do whatever it took to get him into trouble or somehow make him pay financially even if it cost me time and money. At this point it was just the principle. [USER=7210]@MdDuc[/USER] I was just about to send him a message regarding what you wrote about contacting the FBI and reporting him for interstate fraud.
Then around 645pm today I get a phone call from [USER=10147]@Vicati[/USER] letting me know that the exhaust was overnighted back to him. So Vicati will now try to sell it or mount back on his 959 and sell the 959. But he asked me to wait a little bit to give him to sell it or sell it with him bike. I know [USER=10147]@Vicati[/USER] wont screw me even though we never met. The dude trusted me after making his first purchase from me paying as a purchase for a Cordona quickshifter. Then spending thousands paying me through Zelle. He trusts me with his money and I will trust him with my money.