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Today I got a hundred thou detent spring. Blueprinting the transmission is something I do to all my bikes. Not just Input and output assemblies but the drum and the forks too. Always makes a big difference. I’m not trying to win any championships but even for a street bike I feel this is important. Stiffer detent combined with blueprinting = lots less chance of false neutral which could attribute to a crash if it happens while downshifting and is not good for the rods (or my nerves) if it happens while (or after) upshifting. My R popped down into 5th from high gear once (pinned) and once was all it took for me to wonder every time thereafter if it was gonna do it again.

Forget about it...

*ps - installing a RS trans door might look cool but shims n springs is how you get the quickest most positive shift : )
