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LOL this is America let’s have this same conversation a year from now when we can more accurately follow the bouncing investment ball. Embezzlement and fraud are hallmarks of American startups. I predict while burning through this round of capital they will continue to solicit investment dollars and there will be an IPO. Additionally, I did not specifically state JoeBen was guilty of any wrongdoing. Let’s see what happens.

I’ve been in aviation 30 years. I think what Joby is doing as far as an aerial platform is awesome. I think JoeBen is an innovator and capable of building a successful commercial version of his vision. The difference is if they are raising capital to build aircraft based on selling aircraft for general aviation (like Cirrus)or are they raising capital based on the Uber in the sky model. Sky Uber isn’t going to happen so in that case, based on quite a bit of history  those investors will never see a return and without the “Uber” lure, how much capital would they have raised?
