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  1. ChrisE

    Interesting Exhaust Conversation

    I was out at my local Ducati dinner meeting last night and the owner of the local Ducati dealership was there having dinner with us. He stated he received a letter from Ducati telling him he was not allowed to install any none DOT approved aftermarket exhaust unless the bike was brought into...
  2. K

    Ducati 1199S Headlight conversation wiring question

    Hey, I am about to do the 1199S LED headlight conversation to my base model, i just have a question regarding the wiring. I am using the following wiring diagram (i believe a forum member made) My question is regarding the relays wiring 1] Yellow/Gray (relay) to Yellow (headlight)...
  3. duc

    A conversation about Ducati...

    Hmm instead of posting up a formal list of questions, followed by a formal list of responses, I’m just going to say nothing about my post is official. Not one bit. I’m simply here to start a conversation with my fellow Ducatista. There is nothing about this post that is affiliated or endorsed...