
  1. Kev242

    Heya! 959 - 2015 R Here = longest winter of my life

    Hello everyone, new to the forum and looking forward to catching up on all the info and posting constructive comments. 50/50 road to track miles for me each year, can't wait to tip this bike in!
  2. R

    Longest single run I've taken yet on the Pani

    100 mile runs had been my usual long rides until today. Took off from Nassau county, Long Island at 6:30 am. Met my buddy in Brooklyn on his bike, grabbed a nice 6 egg white omelet and some Joe and we blasted through the Battery tunnel at full tilt...man this bike can assault he ears in a...
  3. MadeinItaly

    The longest period of time in the known Universe

    The time it takes after the "call" until you pick up the bike. Yes, they called but I can't get there due to work etc for a few days. Really excited like a little kid!