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  1. Calderara di Reno

    Minor emergency pre race booking

    Some prick has stolen the only ignition key out of my bike. I have a race booked in 2 weeks time and dont know what is needed to start this machine. Just finished rebuilding after a big low side 2 months ago. Pissed off ! Iknow "why would you leave a key in your bike"???
  2. Gecko

    Some minor upgrades

    Finally, tonight I finished some work on the SL. Can't wait for the first test ride, but currently it's pissing cats here :( AutoBlipper (thank you Ljuice26!) {bike sport development, UK} 75mm MotoCorse Titanium Exhaust with custom made CF heat shield {moto corse, IT} STM Dry Clutch (Evo GP...
  3. alb

    Minor breakdown today.

    Lost my gear pedal today. Bolt came loose. Fortunately it didn't drop out. Just my luck, two fellow Ducati owners stopped and loaned me an allen key. I now carry a 5mm in the toolkit! Now threadlocked, so hopefully wont happen again. May have to replace the small arm on the spline as I...
  4. H

    Minor run in issue - leaking fork at 400km

    Hey all. Nothing major to report in this thread, just contributing to passing around colloquial evidence of any issues. Took my S for more running in last Wed, and at 400km (cumulative) spotted the left front fork leaking oil, not too much but slow and steady enough to get blown back and...