
Ducati Forum

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  1. Phl

    Retarded posts

    Holy cow. Dude's gone
  2. J

    Why are my threads taking +3 days to post??

    Mods, I am admittedly new to this forum but wondering why it takes multiple days for my posts and/or topics to be approved and shown on the forums? Is this normal for everyone or just new members? *Edit: So this one seems to have gone right up. My previous topic on a new fender...
  3. mark419ny

    so many repeated posts.

    i know if i repeat something on here i get use the search feature from about 7 people. well its my turn. melting rear hugger has been discussed many times when the new heat shield came out. running temps i did a full review when i changed to engine ice about 3 years ago. now i know the...
  4. Capt CF

    What?!?! No posts about Jerez?

    Sheeesh.. :)