what will you pay for a brand new one. never used, still in the box.
Thanks but already sold.
have you considered ordered the seat for the Panigale R, it's different from the DP race seat, is closer to shape of the standard seat but with better covering. A thread somewhere on the forum listing the part number for it.
Part number for the panigale R seat
R seat model number: #59521911A
Got one!
You're going to enjoy it. I couldn't rationalize $300+ at the dealership for the seat until I rode from Colorado Springs to Denver on it. I was shifting all over the seat, I was miserable. It's a must lol.
It was like $230 something at the dealership for me? I think MSRP is $250ish?
eBay has them for $250ish shipped.
I got a r seat if oh need one