Need the brains trust. I just imported my 2013 1199R to Australia. Put the god ugly tail unit back on, and dB inserts into the Termigs, to get it ready for roadworthy inspections today. Put some fresh 98 fuel in and started it up no problems. A quick run around the block to make sure it was ok, all good. Put my gear on and rode off to the inspection appointment. 1k down the road noted that the oil pressure warning light was on. Worst case scenario - thought maybe the oil had been drained at some point during transport, noting I’d done a change just before it got shipped. Stopped and turned it off, waited a bit and checked oil level. Definitely some in there so I start it up, running late for the appointment. Oil light comes back on and then less than 1k later the bike seems to miss. I’m thinking something’s not right so I pull the clutch in and the bike dies. Won’t start again. Get the trailer from home and get it back. Once everything is cool and bike level on jacks I note if anything the oil is a little too high, but looks clear. Bike still won’t start. I wouldn’t think the oil being slightly overfilled would be catastrophic. Our 98 fuel should be fine, and I wouldn’t think the dB inserts should do anything other than maybe slight reduction in performance. Have tried putting it in a high gear and turning the rear wheel, but can't. When you turn the bike on everything lights up OK, but when you try to start it, nothing. Checked all the battery terminals (noting just reconnected after the shipping), all appear OK. Scratching my head. Could be a real costly import if the motor just toasted itself!