1299 @ The Long Beach International Motorcycle Show

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Wait to he turns 17 like my son. Dad I want a Ducati 1199.........SL

Daddy Scrapper makes the big bucks. He can make it happen for his 17 year old lol

Get him into a rc390. Man that is a beautiful little track toy.

I'm pausing my son's aging process when he gets to 10. 2 more years and pause! He's an awesome kid right now and not looking forward to the ......... years. I apologize every day to my parents for my teenage years haha

You're welcome fellas. Enjoy the photos.
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He did. Of course every "little" motorcycle we came across....."daddy, can you buy me that?"

"Buddy, your pocketbike looks much better. It's blue and white just like daddy's motorcycle. You don't need another when you've already got the best"

He stopped buggin me after that lol

LOL that reminded me of the time I saw a guy maybe 18-20yrs old with his mom at a Suzuki dealer. "Mommy buy me THAT!" He wanted a SV1000 soooo bad! His mom said right in front of everyone "maybe if you stopped spending all your money on beer and weed you could afford it!" ....... true! :eek:
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Cool pics, thanks a lot gents!

Just wondered though, the Panigale started off with a conventional heat shield on the 1199 and they changed it to a massive ugly looking one and now with even a bigger 1299 engine they have gone back to their previous conventional design. I find that weird!
"I swear I thought I heard my phones screen crack when I started snappin these H2(R) photos. The sheer ugliness almost broke my camera phone. Then I had this red bike with one eyebrow up and lookin at me like, HUH?"

hahaahahahah this got me cracked so haaaarrd lol!!!!!!!
i swear i thought i heard my phones screen crack when i started snappin these h2(r) photos. The sheer ugliness almost broke my camera phone. Then i had this red bike with one eyebrow up and lookin at me like, huh?

still laughing...! lololol