Pics of the rcs masters
17 - $250 clean like new
19 -$250 clean like new with sim nicks in the lever- not rash
19- 190 rash
All work perfect. These are picked up prices, add shipping and PayPal for shipment
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may I ask whats the difference between the 17 and the 19 ?
If the Base 1199 Dash is installed on an S that's had the electronic connectors on the suspension removed, will it still throw a code? Anyone know?
I need @gecko, @reborn & @torerik to vouch for me as a legit buyer. I'm in Dubai, and I use my forwarding address in NY to ship from the US to Dubai if the seller can't ship internationally. My PayPal is set up in Dubai linked to my card; so it doesn't have my NY address as a shipping address (I think there is an eBay work around). Discs please!
@mikek and @tadashi , I vouch for MikeK, no problems at all
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I understand man, but I'm the real deal. Do you want to look at direct shipping to Dubai then? That's PayPal verified. Gecko did that for me with the SSTK acquisition kit.
I need @gecko, @reborn & @torerik to vouch for me as a legit buyer. I'm in Dubai, and I use my forwarding address in NY to ship from the US to Dubai if the seller can't ship internationally. My PayPal is set up in Dubai linked to my card; so it doesn't have my NY address as a shipping address (I think there is an eBay work around). Discs please!