Yes, those are just standard V4R parts, it fits all factory with no bs. It is best to order through dealer so they can order all the right bits and pieces based on the diagrams. It will run about 3 grand, depending on your discount. I am sure aftermarket is around the corner, but I had this done as soon as V4R came out
You need:
1. Two large side pieces
2. Front piece
3. Bubble (it is ever so slightly larger)
4. Winglets
5. Two plastic brackets (circled in red)
6. All the foam bits
7. Harware, clips, velcros, rubber grommets
8. Four nuts holding the winglets
Yes, winglets definitely work. It is not night and day, but I feel less wheely, more stability up front, it does calm down the front at very high speeds. I used to get pretty big headshake at the point you describe, but I largely solved it by turning up some steering damper. But I think wings made it even better planted. Again, it is not night and day, but added cool factor sealed it for me