Selling some quality Dainese gear. I'll start by saying I'm 6-2, 200lbs, have a 34 inch waist, and this gear fits perfectly.
Dainese Racing 3 D-Air Leather Jacket
Additional pictures on request.
Dainese Racing 3 D-Air Leather Jacket
- Size 52
- I am the original purchaser in May of 2021
- Airbag has never been deployed,
- Jacket has never been down and has no damage
- Jacket includes a 3/4 zipper to mate with Dainese racing pants
- Jacket is not perforated
- Comes with the cables for charging/updating the software.
- Size 54
- I am the original purchaser in October of 2021
- Pants have never been down and have no damage
- Pucks have never been used
- Pants include the 3/4 zipper to mate with Dainese racing jackets
Additional pictures on request.

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