Dash Lights, Gear sensor light, engine light. Abs light 2013 1199s

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Aug 20, 2023
A few questions. First is does the ABS light continually stay illuminated when enabled or does this mean something else. EDITED( it stays illuminated)

I did some research and know I will need to replace the gear sensor(they’re about 171usd rn) however the engine light only illuminates when the gear sensor red light is illuminated.

So second question is does the gear sensor problem cause the engine light to illuminate? If anyone has had this happen before can you lmk please.

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I assume you don’t have melcodiag to see what the codes are ? You should buy the cables and get melcodiag if you don’t have it so you can see exactly what codes the bike is giving
There are two wheel sensors that through that code. Check and replace if needed.

Gear is different and is the sensor on the hear shift or rear of engine depending on the year as they changed this.

Best to read the engine codes before replacing sensors
Whats the history on this bike? Is this a new problem?

Gear position sensor failure is common. I believe after it is replaced and relearn is done the other lights would go away. Assuming that's the only issue.