Have one on my Diavel.
If they don't find the bike back in three days, you are reimbursed the value of the bike. So, if ever they steal mine, I prey that they don't recover it. ;-)
The local police is working together with the tracking agency, and they got some nice thieves networks thanks to it.
And now, the thief tactic is this one :
- they take the bike and put it some streets away,
- they wait,
- if police come to get the bike back, they know it's tracked, and they give up on it,
- if the police doesn't come, thieves come back to the bike and this time, they keep it for good.
If you happen to leave for many days, just have a neighbor checking on your bike everyday, and that should be good enough for you.
If you can't, just say your bike was stolen the day after you came back.
That should cover all possibilities.