I see your point with an under suit, however here in Arizona where temps in the summer are 112 degrees it does not work plus with so much heat everything above the exhaust cooks which includes the electronics of the ECU and Ohlins shock. The bike at this point does not look messy or clumsy and this guard certainly does the job.
Hi, just a quick one, the undersuits that I spoke of also keep you cool when it's damned hot, they are designed to also keep you warm when it cold too! I have been out in very hot temps and in fact the day I picked my bike up it was 95f and I was in town in slow traffic for about 30 mins and no issues. Yes it was warm but no different to any other bike in those conditions.
Whilst I understand the concept, it's not very pleasing on the eye (No offence intended), perhaps if it was a matt black like the original it might not be so bad! Glad it works for you though.
I'd like to at least try heat wrapping the rear exhaust and seeing how that goes. But my experience so far has found that to remove the heat shield the whole rear end needs to come off first. I must be doing something wrong surely if you were to replace the heat shield with an aftermarket carbon item, you should just be able to remove the lambda sensor and the three bolts holding the shield in place?
I've serached for instructions with no luck whats the trick?
what is exactly the difference to the stock shield?
Well, with Albert's help and feedback, we were able to grab his initial design, streamlined a bit, add a lip, add 2 domes, bent the back and come out with the first carbon fiber (Beta) of this solution. There is a couple of adjustment that we need to make (trim on the right side, 1/4" dip on the left, where it would touch the shock, and 1/2" less material on the front (too close to the pipe). The result: something that I can live with it. Temperature differences from 504 to 134 Fahrenheit where it is close to my leg.
We should have a release version within 4 weeks or less. See for yourself (I will post more pictures)
Falco, what price range do you anticipate selling this for?
Is the temperature testing being done with a wrapped header and the CF shield or with just the CF shield?
Wrapped. Without the heat shield, even wrapped the temps are pretty high.