Little if any mention is made of the so called "Antibody Test". It was described by Sir Patrick Vallance (the UK's chief scientific officer) as a "game changer". If so it will enable anyone who is asymptomatic or who has recovered from Covid-19 symptoms, to be tested for the presence of antibodies, and thereby an immunity (theoretically) from catching the same strain twice.
Given the desperate need to ensure key-workers remain available to society and in the interim, that an individual's normal employment maybe shutdown or in a state of hibernation for some considerable time, this likely increasing percentage of cases, might well prove to be an invaluable resource to society.
If they are no threat to themselves or others in their new found ability to no longer having to socially distance or isolate themselves from society, that is surely a gift we should capitalize on for the greater good.
Recovered cases currently stand at 90,942 people worldwide (as of 20th March 2020). That's an awful lot of foot soldiers who could make a difference (those of an effective age of course - no disrespect intended) and that number will continue to grow.
Not something I would generally ask of others but I would appreciate it if you would PLEASE SHARE THIS POST to hopefully raise people's awareness and bring it to the attention of the media.