Tuneboy wanted to implement a remote start from the iPhone ...
Never heard back about this...
I always was sad since I bought my first 1199 (coming from a MTS1200) that they dont have the keyless ignition. Want keyless ignition? Buy a new Multi. Helluva bike! I WANT one!
I had a keyless system on a Concours 14. I saw no advantage to it, but it did have some disadvantages. You'll always be wondering which jacket or pants pocket you left your key in last time you rode. I really like having that handy key holder on my bikes as a place to "store" the key. My bikes sit in the garage and the keys are always in the ignition.
No. The PIN code function isn't keyless. In fact, you still need "A" key and the Pin System has to be active to start the bike. If active, when the bikes E-System fails or the bike doesn't recognize the key, the bike will allow you to enter a pin to start it. However, if you don't have a key, you won't get very far.Is there not something on the dash which, if you have lost your key will allow you to put a pin in and you can then start your bike with no key. I'm sure I read something on this in the manual
The best non-alarm theft deterrent we have is locking our handle bars - no key kinda negates this feature
Not so sure about that, take a look at the videos on the 1299 page. The thieves snap the steering lock in seconds.