Looking to Decat my 2024 Multistrada V4 Pikes Peak

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May 9, 2023
I am looking to Decat my 2024 Multistrada V4 Pikes Peak and just looking for info from others who have already done this. I am looking at some on Ebay, Leo Vince and the ultra expensive factory Akropovic

1. What did you go with
2. How was the quality
3. How hard was the install
4. Did you reflash with new Tune
The $5K Akropovic full system that comes with the mapping software seems to be the only reliable option in the U.S. for our 2024 models for now. Unless some company offers an exhaust servo eliminator for our 2024 V4. Vizi-Tec just confirmed they don’t make one, so any mid pipes options would be a chance of problems.
I have confirmation from OFT (open flash tablet) that their mapping software will take care of the exhaust servo.
I am also thinking to add OFT mapping to my 2023 Streetfighter.
The cost of OFT is only about $800 so still a cheaper option than the factory and I believe a better option as they have more freedom to make a good map without government interference.
I went with the Leovince decat pipe and had the dealer install it. I also purchased the UpMap 800 with a tune for this exact setup.
I can’t notice any seat of the pants difference but my fuel economy was almost cut in half.
I complained to them and they sent me some other maps but they are all awful on fuel economy!
It seems to run fine on the factory tune.
So time to update
1. First I did not realize that unlike my 2023 Streetfighter V4S the Multistrada does not have an exhaust servo and valve so nothing to eliminate.
2. I looked for the Leo Vince but it was out of stock and I’m just to impatient so
I purchased a link pipe and removed the cat. Did it myself in under 2 hours it’s a simple job.
3. Sounds better
4. Running stock map and no issues.
5. Took off almost 20 pounds
Hate to say this but my V4S Gran Tour runs best with stock exhaust and factory settings.
Don’t believe it? Fight me.
These kind of engines need a specific map after decat. And i wouldnt use another exhaust that the official akra and upmap. This is why they sell them crazy expensive.

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