I think it has something to do with BT Moto making money. I seriously doubt it's because of Max's stellar personality. Maybe Max got with BT Moto to prop up HIS reputation, which would be a typical move for a sociopath.Why BT Moto guy is doing business with him ?
I got passed by Max in a tight corner on the Dragon in the summer of 2022. I didn’t see him initially because I was focused on my line. It was pretty reckless. Kitty was behind him, and I eased up to the right to get out of his way. He’s finally left the area after his arrest in Tennessee. Of course we know what happened to Kitty.
Kitty died in 11-22 in a crash.
FWIW Bad Kitty was a guy, not a girl. Pronouns were she/her. Go figure
Motorcycles are a harsh mistress. If you do this long enough it will probably take a few of your friends. Two of mine. One was my best friend. So don't be so cavalier about another's death even though he/she was apparently a trannyright
not much of a loss then
Motorcycles are a harsh mistress. If you do this long enough it will probably take a few of your friends. Two of mine. One was my best friend. So don't be so cavalier about another's death even though he/she was apparently a tranny.
MaxWrist is finally on track !
So scary to watch american trackdays !! wild speed differences in the group
His technique is definitely 'point and shoot'. Very raw and imprecise.
In other words.....he uses people for his own benefit with zero compunction. Typical Sociopath.I don't think he rides to ride. He rides to make YouTube content hence random lines and looking at various people