Need assistance - 18 V4S Clutch lever limp after clutch plate and cover replacement

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Jan 18, 2018
new york
So, over the winter I installed a Ducabike clutch cover, pressure plate and ring on my 18 V4S. I also changed the bearing and cover bolts. Follow the torque specs in my service manual.
Everything appeared to operate as normal, but i did not take proper test ride thinking everything was good.

Fast forward to last week, i took the bike out of the garage and now the clutch lever is completely limp, and obviously will not engage the clutch at all, even on full compression.

Im going to tear it down to figure it out, I was also considering bleeding the line, im not sure if this could be the cause. Also considering taking the clutch apart again and starting over from scratch. Im assuming something is loose.

I figured Id get some opinions on what the problem is or could be before I start, any suggestions or advice?
First problem is that you installed a clear clutch cover. This is the super bike gods telling you to go back to stock. But seriously, return it back to stock and see if it still happens. Also make sure the clutch slave cylinder is bled and seals/piston look ok
I'll bleed it this weekend, hopefully this does the trick.
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Just check if the installation is on point, as regards proper seating of the clutch rod into the slave and the plates in their groves. If everything was right before fitment, this could be the cause.
Well, I took the clutch apart, everything was good. I flushed the line, added Motul 600 and bled the master and slave. Everything is back to normal it just needed to be bled.
Thanks for the input.

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