New Member Hypermotard new vs old? Advice

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May 15, 2019
Colorado Springs
Hello everyone!
My name is HypermotardHurt from Colorado Springs. I work in the automotive industry in finance and sales. I’ve been a Ducati hypermotard owner for about three years. I enjoy riding canyons mountains and everything in between. Pikes Peak is literally in my backyard! Im excited to be a member and have lots and lots to learn .Very new to the bike world and Ducati

Right now I find myself in a bit of a dilemma. I’m looking for some advice from experienced Ducati owners.

I own 2010 hypermotard 796 that was my first bike ever! I got it in 2016 with 3500 miles on it and just hit 15,000 miles. Have had some great times and met amazing people. The 796 made me fall in love with riding so much that soon after I acquired a 2009 R1. So both bikes are 10+ years old I find myself dumping $2k to $4k every year in maintenance and repairs not to mention the downtime. I ride year round and I ride a lot . The older hypermotard is financed and the R1 is paid off! Im sick of spending so much money and having so much downtime on the older two bikes that I’m considering the new 950SP and trading the old hypermotard for a clean wash and than selling the r1 to use as a down payment.

The stubborn side of me wants two bikes and two style options.

The more experienced me wants the 2019 Hypermotard 950 SP!

The finance side of me tells me I can have the 1 new bike (950SP) for less monthly cost than what I spend on the cost to keep the 2010 Hypermotard running and safe/payments.
The question is do I keep two older bikes that have tons of downtime and random issues / cost or do I say screw it and get the 950 Sp and have one bike and one insurance policy and a couple years of free maintenance.

2010 Hypermotard just hit 15,000/ small payoff
2009 Yamaha YzfR1 has 12,000 miles and has been in the shop for 6+ months /owned out right

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First off welcome to the forum. As far as your predicament goes, I don't know if I can offer much help. Selling the other two would get you out from payments and maintenance costs. But, having more than one bike is nice sometimes. Sleep on it, you'll figure it out!
Do a testride on the 950
I did it, and I liked my old 796 more!
Still one of the best bikes I've ever ridden
Maybe look for a newer 796 :)

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