Leave Marky alone he's a grand lad, every forum needs a Mark
"You having some problem with your shoulder? Obviously your ambition outweighs your talent."
#27 Casey Stoner (my only shoulder problem is the big chip, even if I win a race the crowd still cheer louder for Rossi, cue thumb in mouth

As opposed to "having a problem with Milk, sore arm, underwear (yes he really did blame his underwear for getting beaten on one occasion, too small apparently, must have mixed up a 'babygro' in the laundry)" All direct quotes from Volume one of the "Stoner book of excuses", not forgetting "all those horrible racers got in my way in the first few corners, don't they know I'm supposed to go first"
As opposed to Obviously 'my ambition is to quit when the going gets tough'
How about 'I'm going straight to tell teacher, that nasty man (Simo) is getting to close'
Or 'I'm throwing my toys out of my pram because I started a fight and he (Rossi) finished it (Laguna Seca)
I could go on for hours, the man
was such a hypocrite.

No doubting his extraordinary talent albeit on a rider aided bike. But let's be honest he's won .... all on the world stage (for all the gum flapping he does) and again being honest one of the two was when Ducati caught them all on the hop with a bike that was 20kph faster than the rest (2007, then 2008 Yamaha closed that gap to 8/9 kph and Rossi handed him his ass on a plate

) but fair play to him he made the extra 20kph count and did all his over taking on the straights. And yes you still need talent even with the "rider aids" but they're not called aids for nothing.

I hear from friends in Oz that he's quitting V8's as well (boys mustn't play nice there either) Seems to be a pattern emerging
Yes I am a Rossi fan (have been since 1998) and make no bones about it, he my have fallen on lean times but at least he hasn't quit.

He's not perfect, he has flaws like the rest of us but he put a spark in MotoGP.
I am also a big fan of Nicky, he doesn't bitch and moan just gets on with the job, very respectful of his peers and an all round nice guy. Great rider, beat Rossi (when he (Rossi) was at his peak) big respect

Not such a big fan of JLO but when MM got tough, JLO got tougher, again great rider big respect

Fan of MM, ball's to the wall or what, nuff said