Poor throttle response

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Sep 1, 2021
2004 ducati 1000 super sport

Tried searching treads but didn't see much other then replace fuel filter is a good place to start but wanted to ask some experts opinions.

The bike has been sitting a little over a year. Had to replace starter sprag. Then noticed an idle issue. The bike will not stay idling unless the idle control is half way pulled even warm. While in neutral or clutch pulled I can rev the engine just fine. Under load it has poor throttle response and seems to max out around 55 mph. This bike is new to me I received on a trade but did see to run fun 1.5 to 2 years ago when first got it but after moving to FL it took me a while to gwt it legal so it has been sitting. The bike has 22k on it

Thanks for any help not a master mechanic but machanical inclined
If it maxes out around 55 mph then I would try to verify if this is due to fuel/ECU or something like the clutch. Do you think the clutch is slipping? Does it bog down in a specific gear or speed or RPM? Does it rev under load all the way to limiter?
If it maxes out around 55 mph then I would try to verify if this is due to fuel/ECU or something like the clutch. Do you think the clutch is slipping? Does it bog down in a specific gear or speed or RPM? Does it rev under load all the way to limiter?

First ride out yesterday felt like a limp mode but I got it out again and it seemed to start to clear up but still not 100% so still hoping its just gumed up. I don't think the clutch is slipping it does it in every gear. It does not rev to limiter under load only in natural. So seems like its staving it self which is why I think its a fuel air issue. Thought maybe not firing on all cylinders or a stuck valve could also be
Drain all of the gas and fill up with fresh.

I ran it till the light came on and put injector cleaning in it and filled it back up. Going to check fuel line tonight hopfully.

Driving this morning it seemed to be worse in 2nd gear. Will die out around 6k rpm. Getting little better response off 1st but still feel like there should be much more. My sv650 has quicker take off.
Would the clutch slipping on these feel like a cars clutch? Never messed with a dry clutch