dood ? how do you make your helmet stay on while your bike is upside down
it's weird but the photo is right way up and everytime I uploaded it it came out upside down, in the end I gave up. Our Australian friends see it the right way though, always got to look for the positives!
check this .... out, pretty cool (not mine, just saw it on the pro italia website, only 200 are being brought to the us):
they have it listed for $999.
arai corsair v isle of man tt helmets-2012 iom (ar-121-x) | pro italia
What is that rossi one on the left called?
i looked for this helmet for 3 months. its a little old but i wanted it badly. couldnt find one so i went with the wall st i think thats a 2010 but i love it
i looked for this helmet for 3 months. its a little old but i wanted it badly. couldnt find one so i went with the wall st i think thats a 2010 but i love it