The scanner is the "Solus Legend". I work in an auto shop and didn't have to purchase it, only borrow it! I did have to buy the cables though, all in all out of pocket was about 400.00 dollars, or about 1 Dealer visit worth! But as long as you have the cables and adapters needed, it seems to work just fine! Just take the seat off, connect the scanner to the CAN plug, turn the bike on and go crazy! Just select the model of your bike, press "maint.reset, it asks you for the mileage, then if you want to continue to reset. Hit yes, then 2 seconds later I looked at the gauge cluster and the light was gone! You can see/clear CEL's, service lights, change or delete the annual reminder, look at the "black box" and gauge cluster functions. You can't update, but unless some big change tuning wise comes out, I don't know why you'd really need to unless you are modding the bike, which I'm not!