Some idiot slap Motorcycle Rider

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Wait... seriously? Nobody else thinks this whole video might have been staged? There was a whole other lane for the motorcyclist to pass the faux thugs car and keep going. While light there was still enough traffic that it wouldn't have taken any particularly skilled riding to put enough cars between the motorcycle and the car to remove any threat. Just ride directly to the police station if you fear a confrontation. And truly, who slaps a helmet? LOL!

Wait a minute! Don't go go bringing common sense to this thread. You might just kill it. :eek:
I would have just gone around and avoided the whole idiot situation in the first place. On a second note, he has the persons face and plate on video and could easily charge him with assault and battery.
I think Vast has a point. That sociopath would have probably chased him down and ended up using his car as a weapon.

probably but you just can't sit there and wait for the driver to get out of his car and attack you or back up his car over top of you. once i see someone trying to box me in you escape and make a quick getaway and once you realise you are vulnerable on a motorcycle, seek cover if it appears you are being chased because you are right if he uses that car as a weapon, you're probably going to get flattened unless you are really good.

I am thinking carrying this is more practical. For my training, I was taser-ed by this and it works phenomenal. There is nothing you can but fall like a rock and hope its over. :D

most likely illegal in a lot of places, the civilian is better off with spray.
Looks bad but did anyone noticed that the rider has a full face helmet on. Thats like hitting the wall with your fist when your mad. You are only hurting yourself. I probably wouldnt have done anything else because I would be laughing to hard.
my god that little .... would have been hospitalized in normal circumstances. luckily there is video evidence with a plate to boot. (another reason to not ride on the street and/or CARRY when riding ;) )

This is why I DO carry while riding. If idiots like this know that other people are armed, they'd be less likely to act like .........

(armed society is a polite society)
This is why I DO carry while riding. If idiots like this know that other people are armed, they'd be less likely to act like .........

(armed society is a polite society)

Would you have pulled it out though? If you have a CCW, and anyone even sees your gun, they can feel threatened and then you are at risk of breaking the law.
Would you have pulled it out though? If you have a CCW, and anyone even sees your gun, they can feel threatened and then you are at risk of breaking the law.

I rarely conceal carry, and would have been open carrying. (99% of the time I OC) Anyone crazy enough to 'slap' someone openly carrying a 1911, is likely a loon.

I'm not sure what the laws are in YOUR state, but in Virginia Self defense is still a recognized right.
I rarely conceal carry, and would have been open carrying. (99% of the time I OC) Anyone crazy enough to 'slap' someone openly carrying a 1911, is likely a loon.

I'm not sure what the laws are in YOUR state, but in Virginia Self defense is still a recognized right.

I guess I need to get a refresh on my training, that what consitutes a threat where I can pull it out and aim at at a person.

Just two simple rules...It has to be a threat to your life and you have to have no way to exit.

Just like that one guy that was on the news being armed robbed at the pharmacy. The crook left and he went after him with his gun. I believe the victim(pharmacist) went to jail.

In the case of the slap...the rider would have gone to jail for
1. branishing a weapon.
2. no threat due to the fact he was all geared up even with a helment on while being slapped.
3. he could have exited the situation very easily.

Just two simple rules...It has to be a threat to your life and you have to have no way to exit.

Just like that one guy that was on the news being armed robbed at the pharmacy. The crook left and he went after him with his gun. I believe the victim(pharmacist) went to jail.

In the case of the slap...the rider would have gone to jail for
1. branishing a weapon.
2. no threat due to the fact he was all geared up even with a helment on while being slapped.
3. he could have exited the situation very easily.

Got it, threat to your life, no way out. I do know just your gun being seen, i.e. coat hangs open and it is visible to someone, it is not concealed, and you are breaking the law if someone feels "threatened" by it. I was told that gun owners helped draft our law (MO), and even if a premise says no guns allowed, you can still carry in the premise. If they discover you are carrying, they can ask you to leave, and if you do, no law is broken.

Just two simple rules...It has to be a threat to your life and you have to have no way to exit.

Just like that one guy that was on the news being armed robbed at the pharmacy. The crook left and he went after him with his gun. I believe the victim(pharmacist) went to jail.

In the case of the slap...the rider would have gone to jail for
1. branishing a weapon.
2. no threat due to the fact he was all geared up even with a helment on while being slapped.
3. he could have exited the situation very easily.

Incorrect in all states, and not applicable in states that have stand your ground laws, and various implementations of such, or common law interpretations that allow citizens to stand your ground.

Helmet or not, striking someones head is a potentially deadly situation. when faced with deadly force, expect me to defend myself WITH deadly force.

I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice.

I am thinking carrying this is more practical. For my training, I was taser-ed by this and it works phenomenal. There is nothing you can but fall like a rock and hope its over. :D

How does it feel? is it painfull? where you dizzy for an hour? I always wanted to taser my self but I could not muster the guts to do so.

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