To The One Arm Bandit !

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Moron too? First of all Made In Italy is correct. I have no idea what this One Arm dude has done besides ride like a total ass on the road. If you cannot smell sarcasm in my initial post then it was lost in the typing. If this is the kind of life One Arm wishes to live, on the complete edge, than let him go forth with it. If he gets nabbed by LEO I am sure he will laugh and brag about it. I for one have NEVER gone that fast in my damn life on the street or racetrack! This is the only thing I respect the guy for, and at nightime no less!

Second- go .... yourself and your debate on if I am a moron or not. Until you know ANYTHING about me I suggest you perhaps keep your comments to yourself or be a man and send me a PM about how you feel and say something like "I dont really appreciate or approve of your comments" so that we may conduct a civilized conversation on the subject. You have absolutely NO IDEA of what I have been thru and what I have done in my life. Things that haunt me to this day. But I will not vent here in the open any longer to turn this into an open pissing match. Apology accepted and your point was made.

Someone just informed me of this One Arm and showed me docs stating he was a bike thief of some sort. I certainly would not applaud this person had I known this info before. Stupid and reckless act, but the dude has balls to open up a bike like that!

You tell me to go .... myself, then suggest a civilized conversation? Uh...ok. My comment was intended to point out that oneeye is an ....... I do apologize (after you already have for me) if I offended you with MY SARCASTIC comment. Hopefully we can both agree that oneeye is the idiot here, not us.
You tell me to go .... myself, then suggest a civilized conversation? Uh...ok. My comment was intended to point out that oneeye is an ....... I do apologize (after you already have for me) if I offended you with MY SARCASTIC comment. Hopefully we can both agree that oneeye is the idiot here, not us.

Cmon lets all be happy family,As for a thief im not a thief.You got the wrong Man.
You tell me to go .... myself, then suggest a civilized conversation? Uh...ok. My comment was intended to point out that oneeye is an ....... I do apologize (after you already have for me) if I offended you with MY SARCASTIC comment. Hopefully we can both agree that oneeye is the idiot here, not us.

Brother you cant even get your own story straight. You quoted MY posting of this thread and said "Does complimenting these morons make one a moron too? Let's debate." which was referring to me.
And then mediator Made In Italy stated "Don't be too quick the judge the OP . He has given lots of useful info on here and perhaps has not read the endless posts of onearm and his girlfriend. Anyone who read the other threads would conclude what kind of people these are, never mind bike thieves." The "OP" would be ME dude. And I was referring to my entire initial post as sarcastic that what he did was so incredibly awesome and complimentary.

I am going to drop the subj at this point and I will agree with you. Lets just say truce cool? However, I have one question? Who is "One Eye?" :D
These geniuses have posted images of themselves on the web along with their videos. Any detective worth a grain of salt could have found out who these knuckle heads are and caught them buy now. Quick check of registered 1199s in the NY area (I'm sure it's one page long) a cross reference with DVM photos and BAM you have One Arm and his girlfriend. It's only a mater of time and it won't be the first time law enforcement has used Youtube videos and forum posts to nab people. I'd really be interested to hear what member "theefiveoh" has to say on this?

+1. I am sure they know who they are, join under phony names make friends and eventually get caught.

Dude we all love to ride and ride fast, and as for the posers they like it too in their own way. This kind of stuff just kills the vibe and brings the light on all of us. Balls is one thing but brains is another.

Just be careful man, we love you but just care for other around you.

lay it down on the track.......that is what it is there for.

Peace and love - with no disrespect.
Someone just informed me of this One Arm and showed me docs stating he was a bike thief of some sort. I certainly would not applaud this person had I known this info before. Stupid and reckless act, but the dude has balls to open up a bike like that!

No, I'm the ex-thief. Well, not really a thief. I never stole a bike. I bought and resold them. Im what you would call(at the time)a fence for stolen goods.
So, stop calling my boy friend a bike thief.:)
And why is everyone so up set? I recall SuperBikes UK magazine calling people like you cry babies. SuperBikes UK seen the videos, read all the comments, posted it on the site and simple said, 'man buys fast motorbike and goes fast. Idoits suprised'. Guess who the idoit are?
Stop pissing and moaning. At least we do it at night with little to no cars on the road.
After two decades Im still here. Natural selection. Only the strong survive;)
Everyone is talking about videos and pics and getting locked up. Lmao. You all sound like a bunch of rats.
Heres some facts:
I can say anything I like. I shot JFK!! Just because I say it doesnt mean I did it. The Law still needs proof to prosecute.
Thats me in those videos speeding but wheres the proof? No faces, no licence plates and no proof of who's really riding these bikes.
What counties will prosecute? We burn thru a few different ones. Are they all going to open up a investigation and waste tax payers money on a couple of speeder or will the Feds pull their resources from terrorism and the mafia and come for us? Really. STOP CRY like little biitches.
Now for some reason if we get cought in the act...and the pull we have doesnt work...we are focked.:eek: But untill that time comes we will continue to do our thing and have fun.
Now, please, stop talking about us. Life is short, try riding your big bad sportbikes the speed limit and posing at Starbuck instead.;)

BTW, that piece of shiit 1199S I was beating the crap out of last week that broke down- turns out the engine is fine. According to the dealer it was a pinched coil wire or some crap and the plugs need to be replace. I guess it couldnt handle my break-in.
Damn, that would of been the perfect oppertunity for a Trooper to catch me in the act. Good thing none where around while I was running or Id be going to jail for a long long time. Lmao.
what ever happened to the video from the pani? we are still waiting.
He doesnt want to ride it anymore, only after one night of riding and getting destroyed by my ZX10R.:D I keep telling him to ride it but it's too damn depressing for him and the worries of the time bomb going kaboom. Lol.
Com'on OneArm lets hold hands down the parkway and make a depressing video for the homo crew;)
@ Zaster ROFL!

@ Skank
So, stop calling my boy friend a bike thief
You can call us Homos all you like, I think we are all mature and secure enough not to care or be homophobes, but still seems to me you are the only one admitting he has a "boy friend". :p

I'd also note the while "the prosecution" may need evidence to convict you, the court of public opinion does not, even still it has been amply provided, and you have clearly lost that battle sometime ago.

Perhaps it's time to save what dignity you have left and stop posting, with every post you seem to be digging a deeper hole for yourself.
Brother you cant even get your own story straight. You quoted MY posting of this thread and said "Does complimenting these morons make one a moron too? Let's debate." which was referring to me.
And then mediator Made In Italy stated "Don't be too quick the judge the OP . He has given lots of useful info on here and perhaps has not read the endless posts of onearm and his girlfriend. Anyone who read the other threads would conclude what kind of people these are, never mind bike thieves." The "OP" would be ME dude. And I was referring to my entire initial post as sarcastic that what he did was so incredibly awesome and complimentary.

I am going to drop the subj at this point and I will agree with you. Lets just say truce cool? However, I have one question? Who is "One Eye?" :D

Ok. I'm cool with the truce, but I really think this is a misunderstanding more than anything. My initial comment, while referring to your post, was in my mind more about supporting oneeyes behavior. So I do apologize fer reel for bringing you into it:D Those guys have been a topic for awhile and like madeinitaly said, I shouldn't assume everyone had been following the discussion. Anyway, I will shut up now and get back to ....... myself:eek:
I'm guessing that once more of us have the bike, there will be less time on the computer bitching at people that if you saw on the street you would avoid. Come on "homos" lets ride. ;)
I'm guessing that once more of us have the bike, there will be less time on the computer bitching at people that if you saw on the street you would avoid. Come on "homos" lets ride. ;)

Yeah, taking delivery of your ".... wagon" should do the trick "homos.":D
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