UpMap - Difference between MTorque and Performance?

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Jun 22, 2024
Stony Brook, NY
I ordered my UpMap today. I see there are just about 2 maps for every exhaust option. One is called MTorque, and the other is called Performance. What is the difference between the 2?

I see they remove the errors for the exhaust valve, and oxygen sensors...What about PAIR valves and EVAP solenoid errors?
The Streetfighters had reduced torque maps from the factory in gears 1-4, IIRC. The Panigale does not. This is likely due to how the bikes are geared.

I asked because you posted in the Panigale forum; not that I'm all uppity with forum BS I just wanted to make sure.

For the PAIR and EVAP, I remember having to use terminator plugs in the connectors for those with my SF.
Thank you. I posted in here because panigale forums appear to be more active. And the streetfighter forums are watered down with L Twin threads. I figured I'd find the most knownledge here. The torque limited 4 gears is my main reason for wanting a tune on the bike. In stock form the SFV4 pulls on my friends worked R1.

Any chance you know the difference between MTorque and Performance maps? Is performance just a map tuned for more high RPM power vs down low torque? I really wish they would give more details on the upmap website :-(
I should have been more clear in my response. The MTorque maps removes the torque limit. The Performance does not.

Whenever I check this forum I click "new posts" and go from there. There's a lot of segmentation in Ducati's bike from model to even model year, that one really has to qualify what specific product they're typing about.
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The Streetfighters had reduced torque maps from the factory in gears 1-4, IIRC. The Panigale does not. This is likely due to how the bikes are geared.

I asked because you posted in the Panigale forum; not that I'm all uppity with forum BS I just wanted to make sure.

For the PAIR and EVAP, I remember having to use terminator plugs in the connectors for those with my SF.

Panigales are also limited in gears 1-3 (or 1st only depending on year). Three ETV maps (these are the engine power level you select) acting in concert with the limiting ETV maps that you select by selecting the riding mode. 1st has it's own map, 2-3 another and then the 4,5,6 map. In the SF's the stock throttle mapping allows (in the race maps) about 85% in 1st and mid 90's in the 2,3 map. These are easy to "derestrict" but just dragging the 4,5,6 map into the 2,3 maps location. You can drag the 4,5,6 full throttle map onto the first gear map but you need to blend in the part throttle stuff. There is a torque limiting map but I doubt with most tune's it would be enacted regardless it's easy to raise a bit. I think with the Pani software release that was in concert with the raised the 1st and 2nd gear ratio's that full power was allowed in the 2,3 map but 1st was still limited (and still is I think).
Recognize that E10 and gasoline require slightly different tuning, when running a gas map with E10 the whole map is lean (except the O2 sensors) about 5%.

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