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  1. Monocle

    Akrapovic vs Termignoni

    So I'm looking at some proper pipes for the 1199. And Akrapovic and Termis are the obvious contenders whether a full set or slip ons. Any thoughts on which is better/ better still. and if I should be considering anything specific (not withstanding the fact they're both illegal in Aus). Or...
  2. K

    how to remove akrapovic DB killer?

    Hey just got my akrapovic exhuast for the 1199, and trying to remove the DB killer before it gets installed. does anyone know how to remove it? I loosen the screw and then try to pull it out but it doesn't seems to move? I don't want to damage anything so was hoping someone had done it...
  3. Robwe92m3

    Akrapovic Full System Broken?

    I have been admiring the Akrapovic system for a while. i heard the price was, has gone up. I got revzilla to PM motomummy on their last system in stock. I was stoked because the reports claimed it sounds great. i just had my local Ducati dealer install it and guess what? For the most part it...
  4. K

    Polishing akrapovic titanium exhaust

    Hey, Today i was given the awesome gift from my gf, an akrapovic exhuast system :D. I am just wondering for you guys that have the system do you polish the piping? Does polishing the pipe loses the blue colour? and what do you use to polish it? I normally use swissvax products on the bike...
  5. Ljuice26

    Akrapovic Slip-On Exhaust Ducati 899 / 1199 Panigale

    Here they come.....$2,906.95 Akrapovic Slip-On Exhaust Ducati 899 / 1199 Panigale - RevZilla Unit Stock Akrapovič Max gain maximum power kW 128.0 at 10700 rpm 131.4 at 11000 rpm + 9.3 at 5000 rpm HP (m) 174.0 at 10700...
  6. Gecko

    Akrapovic Full System Material

    Can someone enlighten me here? There was a thread on this forum discussing the SL's exhaust. The general consense was that the exhaust system comes from Akra. One or some stated that the first part (the connecting oval flange from the cylinder to the pipes) is made of steel and not Ti. I...
  7. H

    Akrapovic evo exhaust and up-map

    The dealer just installed the Akrapovic evo exhaust on my bike, however I have some questions to wise people on this forum. In the stock panigale exhaust there is a butterfly valve which is not present on the akrapovic exhaust, disconnecting this valve shows an error on the dash. What is the...
  8. P

    Apparently we're getting Akrapovic Slip Ons for the 1199!!

  9. wampire

    YAS Marina Track Attack - Panigale with Akrapovic exhaust

    Wampire Ducati Panigale Track Attack YAS Marina 2014 - YouTube
  10. sunshinestate

    Akrapovic Exhaust Sound on 899

    Ill add some drive by video shortly when the woman gets home to video it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae6uJDn0BSg&feature=youtu.be
  11. sunshinestate

    Akrapovic Exhaust..

    Has anyone installed this full system on their own>? Curious how long it takes?
  12. turnone

    My review of the Akrapovic Full System

    Now that I have had a chance to ride the bike with the full system installed and some time to think about it afterwards, I am starting this thread to share my thoughts: 1. With this system, DynoJet V, air filter and lots of time on the dyno, I can say without a doubt that the power curve is...
  13. T

    Actual Dyno/Performance difference Akrapovic System vs Full Termi's

    I know there has been past threads sharing updates with installation of the Akrapovic system but I have yet to see Dyno graphs to show the actual difference in performance between the Akra/Termi systems. I believe NITROUZ and WAMPIRE both installed the Akra but I have not seen any Dyno graphs to...
  14. gigantor

    Akrapovic Install - second o2 (lambda) sensor?

    What do I do with the second sensor? It doesn't seem to be referenced in the install guide.
  15. A

    Akrapovic and sharkskinz

    Has anyone tried the sharkskinz belly pan with the akrapovic? Does it fit? Thanks Andrew
  16. wampire

    Akrapovic with PCV and autotune and smog plates

    Hi guys i need some help if somebody did this combination already. What did you guys do with O2 sensor. Well the one from Dynojet are much bigger then the one on a Panigale so you cant use the same hole. Also what do you do with original ones cause im afraid that when you gonna unplug them from...
  17. Nitrouz

    Akrapovic install (and comparisons with Termi Full)

    I'm installing the akra to replace my full termi's on my R right now as we speak. Will try to take some pictures along the way to see if there are any noticeable differences aside from the material. This is not intended to be a how-to thread, as installation is quite self explanatory if you are...
  18. AntiHero

    Akrapovic Exhaust on a Panigale

    Akrapovic Full System - Ducati Panigale 1199 - YouTube Just happened to be at MotoCorsa in Portland when they roll out a Panigale with a full Akra system on it. It sounds ....... incredible in person. In-.......-credible. When he blipped the throttle I jumped (Second Video--will post that...
  19. B

    Akrapovic Exhaust for the Ducati 1199

    Will someone please for the love of god post a video of this thing!! The only one I can find on youtube is this Ducati panigale akrapovic - YouTube and it isn't very good. I'm sure someone has one on around here. A video of it idleing OUTDOORS with a couple of rev's (and maybe a ride by)...
  20. Mutt1979

    1199 Akrapovic noise level?!?

    Hi all, I'm fairly new to the fourm and so far have remained on the side lines just taking information as I've needed it but I'm now after something a little more specific regarding the Akrapovic Evolution line titanium exhaust for the 1199. Anyone have experience with said full system and...