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  1. D

    Motoholders fairing stay

    Trying to sort out track fairings and wanted to run the motoholders fairing stay. I am having a little difficulty getting fitment sorted out. I've seen carbon world list them but say they only fit corse fairings. Motoholders say they fit 1299, they only make one style for the 1299. I've seen...
  2. Styler

    Tool used on bolts holding windscreen to fairing

    Does anybody know off-hand the tool and size used to remove the bolts fastening the windscreen to the front fairing? It appears that my set of Allen keys has the size below and the size above; however, I do not know what size those keys are. Also, there is the impassibility that it is not an...
  3. Styler

    Woodcraft (Armour Bodies) Track Bodywork: Fairing Stay Mounts

    OK; so I am going through the painful process of mounting track bodywork for the first time. All in all, I am amazed at how everything fits together. Solid product. See first pic. That said, I cannot for the life of me figure out what the hell how the two indents (which creates bulges on the...
  4. wilkson

    Oversize air tube fairing stay

    Thanks to Zohsix he set me up with a sweet oversize air tube and fairing stay set up . Fits great looks trick and ready for the first race weekend of this year .
  5. getdowngetfunky

    Putting my track fairing design to a vote

    Did some quick mock-ups in photoshop for the base design. lemme know what you think (It's multiple choice)
  6. N

    For Sale 1199 Tricolore fairing

  7. Styler

    Removing front fairing. Mystery black box

    I am removing the front faring on my 2012 1199 so that I can put on some track bodywork. In doing so, I find a mystery black box fixed with double-sided tape to the side of the front faring, which is wired into the main wiring harness. :confused: It looks like something that was added as an...
  8. U

    Amazon Aluminium Fairing Stay Kit

    Has anyone used these or known anyone that has? I just want red ones for the Panigale. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DSYUYHY?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_sfl_title_1&smid=ATUY7UWYZ8KO6
  9. derblott

    Race Front Fairing attachment

    Hello, I'm trying to fit the CRC fairings front race fairing (and DP screen). There's a spot for a single hole in the fairing, and it doesn't quite line up with the double-hole mirror mount on the fairing stay (DP screen also has a double hole that lines up with the fairing stay). Are...
  10. TurboLag

    1299/15R Nose fairing removal?

    Has anyone removed the nose fairing? I've removed the sides, air duct covers, mirrors, and the bolts underneath the headlight but I can't seem to get the nose off....
  11. U

    Carbonvani Fairing Kit?

    Has anyone used their fairings? On the Bellissimoto website they look AMAZING and I love working with Lyle and Randy(seriously those guys are the best) but haven't really seen anyone that has them. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  12. TurboLag

    Fairing fitment

    Does anybody have an exploded drawing or a photo on how the washer and stuff should be arranged on the front of the side fairings? Mine looks like it's way too far in..
  13. Styler

    SharkSkins Body Work and Motoholder rear sub-frame and front race fairing bracket

    So, after 15 track days this summer and at least another two more before winter, I've decided to convert my bike over to a track bike. On the list to purchase in the next couple of months are some SharkSkins race body work and the Motoholders rear sub-frame and front race fairing bracket...
  14. ChrisE

    School me please, painting a fairing

    So I've just picked up a set of new track bodywork and I'm going to paint it. I'm going to make a temporary paint booth in my garage, with filters and exhaust fan. This doesn't have to be car show quality, but I'd like to make it better than rattle can. All the parts are fairly small that...
  15. Aaron88

    For Sale 2015 Panigale R Full Fairing Set: $1800 Shipped!

    I'm Selling 2015 Panigale R OEM Fairings including Headlamp / Rearlight / Mirrors / DP Block-Offs / OEM Seat *Mint Condition *Free Shipping (Cont. US Only) Please email morrisgq at hotmail dot com Cheers! :D
  16. D

    For Sale 2014 1199R OEM Fairing Set + more

    2014 1199R Complete Fairing Set - OEM Ducati - PRICE DROPPED :) $1,450 SHIPPED Mint Condition, no damage. Comes with hardware. -Front Fairing -Windscreen -Left Upper -Right Upper -Left Lower -Right Lower -Seat -Passenger Single Cowl Seat -Rear Tail Section -Rear Tail Left and Right Sides (2 pcs)...
  17. wilkson

    IMU base race fairing mount

    I have just made a mount for the IMU for the base as it is different than the S model . I have two different mounts one that is rubber mounted the other solid mounted . I am trying the rubber mounted one first all going well it should work off to the track this weekend to try a bunch of...
  18. derblott

    Strange wear on lower fairing - see pic

    I started noticing this a couple track days ago. At first I thought it was a one-time rock chip, but it continues to grow in size. It's on the right side, near the bottom behind the front wheel. It appears to be wearing laterally - that is, the damage grooves are horizontal. Looks like someone...
  19. J

    Carbon fibre headlight fairing bracket fitment

    Hey guys, recently i was going to get the magnesium repainted as it had a few scratches, but due to the cost it was more economical to purchase the carbon fibre bracket. http://thumbs.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mVGoFf_LpNd9jwhC0wChUPA.jpg however, upon fitting, it was really hard, i had...
  20. S

    Which fairing and wind-shield is this?

    Hi Guys, Are anyone of you able to tell me which front fairing and wind shield this is? It somehow looks different to me than the standard version, but maybe it is just the white front.....