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  1. PaddockStand

    Rear light problem

    Since fitting my Evotech tail tidy I've had an intermittent problem with the rear light. If I move the cabling about for the Evotech LED number plate light it will sometime make the rear light go on/off, but it doesn't seem to be the number plate light cable itself that at fault. I'm assuming...
  2. F

    Gear shift indicator problem

    hey! Was out driving today, and suddenly the screen would not show lower gear than third gear! even the bike is in neutral, or first gear! Some who have had the same problem?
  3. Andy1199

    Extra Bits and clutch problem resolved

    Got the Tric back today, full system seems so much smoother than just the slip ons, 31mph in third, 40mph in fourth, no hunting just smoooooottth. No louder though, i still think the 1198 with the full 72 mm system on was louder. Could be my age! Suspension set to P, hit pothole on the way...
  4. Andy1199

    1199 clutch problem - its official

    Hi guys, The Tric clutch started acting up yesterday after a long-ish ride (150 miles), 400 miles in total. In town it became almost impossible to pull in, extremely stiff and grabby. Heard some other stuff on the Forum here about master cylinders etc so having already needed one on a...