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  1. D

    which one is more comfortable to ride?

    I will be getting a new bike verrrry soon and I am torn between the 2012 S1000RR and the new Panigale. I don't care who is faster, who handles better between the two, who looks better. I just wanted to know for those who has experience with both bikes which one is more comfortable to ride in...
  2. Sam59r

    United Kingdom Dorset UK Next Week

    I'll be staying local to Weymouth during next week with my 1199 and wondered if any local groups are having meets or rides in the week? I'll be running her in so some nice back roads, sweeping As and hills should do the trick. I reckon Dorset must be one of the best counties to bed a new engine...
  3. T

    1st ride report 65 miles

    pulled out the driveway :). Got out on the road and accelerated :):):). 65 miles later pulling back into my driveway :D:D:D:D. Nuff said! Heading to work now to fund my new toy P.S. the heat wasn't as bad as some made it out to be and rear shock didn't bother me at all. My 1st ducati
  4. duckyduc

    tip to make your ride for comfortable

    hi All, not sure if anyone is doing this, but it always help me ride more comfortable: im a road cyclist, and has always wear cycling short under my leather pants while riding motorcycle, the fabric wicks all the moisture away, and its padded with foam on the bottom, i do notice the...
  5. N

    Ride home from the dealer

    It looks like i might be able to ride it home (3 hours) and avoid the trailer. Is there room to store at least the manual on the bike? Thanks
  6. G

    First ever ride on a Ducati

    Well after a 3 month wait I took the day off and took the truck to pick up the bike. As I got to dealers we had a "frog strangler" of a storm but dried up ok whilst we were doing the paperwork and bike. Unfortunately I drove into 3 huge storms on the way home so had bike drenched before throwing...
  7. C

    Test ride to keep the wife happy.

    My dealer is letting me take a 1098S out this weekend because Im currently on a 749 and havent ridden a 1000+ cc bike. My wife wants me to ride one before I pay for the 1199. Hows that bike compare in speed to the 1199, i know its slower but i recon not by a whole lot.
  8. C

    Trest ride to keep the wife happy.

    :( Ignore, sorry..... browser crash :(
  9. C

    Trest ride to keep me happy.

    a Ignore... sorry
  10. zvez

    test ride on the panigale at deals gap

    On the way to Ducati.ms forum East Coast rally at deals gap this past weekend (incredible riding and met loads of great people!) stopped by NPR ducati in Athens GA. (I've had a deposit on a base model with them for some months). I took a brief demo ride on the pani. It's an S model with...
  11. L

    Members ride out vids

    I though I would start a new thread dedicated to members ride out vids. Here is the first of a ride out just after the first service if positive feed back I will post the next. It is HQ and took 11 hours to upload on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a81T1ee2G4 Enjoy...I hope
  12. M

    Anyone ride a bike or demo bike with ABS yet?

    Hey guys. Just curious. For those of you who have bikes with ABS and for those who have ridden demo bikes with ABS, did you notice anything different in regards to feel of the brakes? I was doing some research on this forum and other spots on the internet and have read reports that ABS can...
  13. JayKay

    First Ride (since first service)

    I've just been blown away by this bike once again. Above 8k revs it pulls so hard you better make sure you're bike fit. Torque, Torque, Torque. It's a completely different bike now. Also sounds like a world war 2 spitfire doing a low fly past.
  14. Mitchlguzin

    Do you think I can ride at 75-80mph...

    Hey guys, Hard question to answer but does anyone know if I can comfortably cruise at 75-80mph and stay below the 6,000RPM break in??? :confused: I'll be taking this thing back and forth to work and everyone cruising on I90 is going at lease 75mph...
  15. twobike

    My First Ride

    Last week I had my first short ride (approx 100miles) on a Demo Panigale S, it only had 200miles on it when I set off. My first impression was how light and small it felt and that's from me who rides an Aprilia RSV4F SE APRC mainly on Track Days but sometimes on road. It also felt very roomy...
  16. Mutley

    First Panigale Road Ride Report

    Took the WM Snell Demo bike out yesterday. Report here: European Motorcycle Diaries: Ducati Panigale 1199 - Review - First Road Ride
  17. L

    ride out report

    Actually more of a non-ride out report, so all my mates came round on their bikes mainly R1s to see the bike and to go out for a ride First thing to do was to check the oil this is easier said than done the spy glass is hidden behind the fairing you can just see it through a gap. However we...
  18. JONAH

    first test ride with the 1199s with full termi race system

    As it says in the title, this is about my 1st test ride on the 1199. It was the 1199s model with a full termi race system fitted. Im gonna keep this very very simple,.................. If you have paid your deposit i garentee you its the best money you have ever ever spent on a bike, quite...